‘Abdu’l-Baha, Épître à Paris — Trois traductions (éditées par Thomas Linard)

Traduction française [inédite, trouvée dans les archives de Laura Dreyfus-Barney. Probablement d’Hippolyte Dreyfus-Barney (1873–1928)]

Par l’entremise de Mme Stannard, sur elle la gloire de Dieu Al Abha.

Aux Amis de Dieu, aux Servantes du Rahman à Paris, sur eux et sur elles la gloire de Dieu Al Abha.


Il est Dieu.

Ô divins amis,

Votre lettre est arrivée par l’entremise de Mme Stannard. Son contenu m’a causé la joie la plus grande ; grâces soient rendues à Dieu que, dans Paris également, il a été fondé une Assemblée spirituelle où se réunissent des croyants confirmés, occupés à mentionner le Royaume de Dieu, à rechercher la Vérité et à répandre les enseignements qui sont l’Esprit même de ce siècle : l’unité du monde humain, l’établissement de la Paix universelle, de la Vérité, de la Justice ; faire de la religion un lien d’amour entre les hommes en la mettant en harmonie avec la raison et la science ; l’égalité des hommes et des femmes ; la liberté et l’affranchissement de tous les êtres ; la formation de mœurs célestes ; l’amour pour toute l’espèce humaine, pour les animaux eux-mêmes ; la propagation des connaissances universelles ; l’industrie, le commerce, l’art considérés comme des actes de piété ; le paysan qui dans ses champs travaille avec la plus grande application envisagé comme un fidèle qui en toute humilité et avec la plus grande ferveur implore Dieu dans un temple ; l’artisan qui travaille honnêtement et correctement comparé à celui qui prie !

Oui, voilà les enseignements qui sont l’Esprit de ce siècle, la Lumière de cette époque : quiconque en perçoit le parfum se sent attiré à eux. Et n’oubliez pas que ces enseignements sont confirmés par le Pacte et l’Alliance, l’Alliance qui éclaire l’horizon, qui donne l’Esprit de Vie, qui illumine les êtres, les rend divins et célestes, les fait briller comme des Lumières, les transforme en astres éclatants.

Ô amis de Paris, sachez que sans l’Esprit de l’Alliance nul être ne devient vivant, sans la Lumière de l’Alliance nul œil ne s’illumine, sans le son de l’Alliance nulle oreille ne vibre, sans les bontés de l’Alliance aucun cœur ne perçoit les faveurs divines. Le peuple de Paris est plein d’intelligence : il sera séduit de toute son âme. Aussi il faut que dans Paris le feu de l’Amour de Dieu brille d’une flamme ardente qui se répande au loin. En certains pays d’Europe on constate une ardeur considérable ; le nombre des croyants augmente de jour en jour comme vous l’aurez certainement appris. Maintenant mettez-vous à l’œuvre, et, par tous vos moyens, allumez le Feu de l’Amour de Dieu afin que Paris dépasse encore les autres régions. Si l’Alliance répand la Lumière qu’il convient, en un rien de temps les résultats seront considérables ; car aujourd’hui, dans le monde, la force agissante par excellence c’est la force de l’Alliance. L’Alliance c’est le sang qui coule dans les artères du monde.

Pour moi, je suis extrêmement content de ces quelques âmes qui sont à Paris : je vous aime beaucoup. J’espère que vous fonderez une Assemblée bien vivante qui deviendra le guide des autres. À chacun de vous j’envoie mes compliments. Sur vous la Bénédiction et la Louange.

Abdou’l Baha Abbas,
23 juillet 1919

Première traduction anglaise [inédite, trouvée dans les archives de Laura Dreyfus-Barney]

Through the maid-servant of God Mrs. Stannard, to the Beloved of God and the maid-servants of the Merciful, Paris.

Upon them be Baha’O’llah El Abha!

O ye friends of God!

Your letter was received through Mrs. Stannard. Its contents gave the utmost joy. For, praise be to God! the Spiritual meeting is organized also in Paris, and assured and believing souls come together and engage in speaking of the Kingdom of God. They investigate Reality and promote the Teachings which are the Spirit of this Age. That Spirit is the Oneness of the world of humanity, the establishing of Universal Peace, right and justice, the fact that religion must be conducive to harmony among mankind, reconcile reason and science, equality of men and women, the freedom and independence of all men; the founding of heavenly morale and love for all mankind, even for animals; the universalizing of Common knowledge, and the fact that a profession and trade and agriculture are the worship of God, that a farmer who engages in tilling and cultivating his farm with the utmost effort is like unto a worshipper who devotes himself to the worship of God with the utmost humility and supplication in a temple of worship and that a laborer who works with justice and sincerity is as though engaged in prayer.

In short, such Teachings are the Spirit of the Age and the Light of this Century; and whosoever inhales their fragrance is drawn to them.

Especially the Teachings strengthen one in the Covenant and Testament, which is the cause of illumining the world, confers the Spirit of Life and makes souls luminous, spiritual, heavenly, and enkindles them like unto a lamp and makes them like unto scintillating stars.

O ye beloved of Paris! Know that no soul is quickened except through the spirit of the Covenant. And no eye is illumined excepts by the Light of the Covenant, and no ear is cheered except by the Melody of the Covenant and no heart becomes the manifestor of spiritual sentiments except by the Bounty of the Covenant.

The people of Paris are full of enthusiasm, and become attracted with the utmost swiftness. Therefore, the Fire of the Love of God will become greatly aflame in Paris and find great diffusion. Some of the regions of Europe are in the utmost enthusiasm and day by day many souls enter the Cause.

Ye have no doubt heard of this. Now make an effort and enkindle the Fire of the Love of the covenant with the utmost power so that Paris may become superior to other regions. And if the Covenant become ablaze in a becoming and befitting manner, in a short time wonderful traces will become manifest.

For in this day, the moving power in the whole world is the Power of the Covenant, and that is the arterial vein pulsating in the body of the contingent world. In short, I am very pleased with these few souls who are in Paris, and I have much love for you.

It is My hope that ye will fill the meetings with enthusiasm and become the cause of guidance to others.

Convey greetings on My behalf to each one.

Upon ye be greeting and praise

(Signed) Abdul Baha Abbas,
Tamooz 24th, 1919
Translated by Eshte’al Ebn-Kalanter, Paris France Aug. 21st, 1919.

Deuxième traduction anglaise [Star of the West 10:12, October 1919, p. 226]

To the friends of God and the maid-servants of the Merciful One, in Paris, France—Upon them be the Glory of God El-Abha!

He is God!

O friends of God!

Your letter was received through Mrs. Stannard. Its content gave me the utmost joy, for—Praise be to God!—the Spiritual Meeting has been organized also in Paris. Confirmed believers come together and engage in speaking of the Kingdom of God, in seeking the Truth, and in speaking the teachings which are the spirit of this age:

The unity of mankind.

The establishment of universal peace, right and justice.

Showing that religion must be conducive to harmony amongst men, and conforming to reason and science.

The equality of men and women.

Freedom and liberty for all.

The enlightenment of heavenly morals.

Love for all men and even for animals.

The universalization of general knowledge.

A profession, trade, agriculture, are worshipping God. A farmer who cultivates his land with the utmost application is like a worshiper who, with deepest reverence and humility, prays to God in a temple. When the laborer works honestly and sincerely it is as though he were praying.

These are the teachings which are the spirit of this century and the light of this age. Whoever inhales their fragrance is drawn to them, especially as they are confirmed by the Testament and the Covenant, the Covenant which is the cause of illuminating the world, which gives the Spirit of Life, makes souls enlightened, divine and celestial, causes them to shine like a light and transforms them into scintillating stars.

O friends of Paris! Know that no soul is quickened except through the spirit of the Covenant, no eye is illumined except by the light of the Covenant, no ear is thrilled except by the melody of the Covenant, and no heart shows forth the divine sentiments except by the bounty of the Covenant. The people of Paris are full of enthusiasm and become attracted with the utmost swiftness. Therefore, the fire of the love of God will burn intensely and spread everywhere.

Some of the regions of Europe are extremely enthusiastic. Day by day more souls enter the Cause. You have heard of this certainty. Now, make an effort, and with all your might enkindle the fire of love of the Covenant, so that Paris may surpass the other regions; and if the Covenant is made to shine forth as it should, in a short time wonderful results will become apparent; for, in this day, the moving power throughout the whole world is the power of the Covenant: it is the artery pulsating in the body of the phenomenal.

To sum up, I am greatly pleased with these few souls who are in Paris, and I love you very much. I hope that you will fill the meeting with enthusiasm, and be the cause of guidance to others. Convey greetings on my behalf to each one, and upon you be greetings and praises.

(Signed) Abdul-Baha Abbas

(July 23rd, 1919.)